Please check my Instagram @lauriepeek for more recent updates

A Photo editor Profile by Jonathan BlaustEin
“For Scotty,” a wonderful high school history teacher of mine whose funeral I did not attend. From my “In Lieu of Flowers” series of gilded photographs on vellum, one of the featured images in Jonathan Blaustein’s profile of my work on the A Photo Editor blog, 4.22.2022

Sharing what inspires me at the Rivertown Film Society fundraiser in Nyack, NY. My photograph is “For Grace” (Knowlton)

“Flowers everywhere” Solo Show at Davis Orton Gallery
My “In Lieu of Flowers” series photos will be featured in the “Flowers Everywhere” exhibition at the Davis Orton Gallery in Hudson, NY. May 7-June 4, 2022. Opening Reception May 14, 5:30-8:00pm. Learn more.

Lenscratch profile of My “In Lieu of Flowers” by Linda AlterwitZ

Lenscratch 2.22.22 “Pairs”
Lenscratch 2-22-22 Pairs online exhibition. I thought my ice cream cones would be fun!

Upstream Gallery’s “Any shape or form” exhibition, Juror: Dave Shelley
My In Lieu of Flowers gilded photographs at the Upstream Gallery’s Any Shape or Form exhibition in Hastings-on-Hudson, NY. Juror: Dave Shelley

“Winner”, International Garden Photographer of the year, “Abstract Views,” 3rd Place, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London, UK
I’m honored to be one of the top three winners in the IGPOTY Abstract Views category for my “Arrangement for Crete” gilded photo on vellum. International Garden Photographer of the Year, Kew Gardens, London, UK 2022

Garrison Art Center Members’ Exhibition 1.2022
For Bert from my In Lieu of Flowers series of gilded photographs on vellum. 17.5” x 21.5” Garrison Art Center, Garrison, NY

17 photos selected for the 15th Julia Margaret Cameron AwardS for Women Photographers
Juror Elizabeth Avedon selected 17 of my photos for the 15th Julia Margaret Cameron Award for Women Photographers exhibition in categories: Abstract, Cell Phone, Children, Collage, and Fine Art. FotoNostrom Gallery, Barcelona, Spain

Winner of 14th Julia Margaret Cameron Awards for Women Photographers, Barcelona, Spain
My Brilliant Botanicals: Alchemic Transformations series of inkjet pigment prints on vellum with gold and silver-toned metal leaf gilding has been chosen as Winner for “Cell Phone” and “Nature” (non-pro) and as Honorable Mentions in the “Alternative Processes” and “Fine Art” (non-pro) categories.

My "Brilliant Botanicals: Alchemic Transformations" exhibited at ArtSuite NY Gallery for first time
My botanical photos on vellum with hand-painted gold and silver-tone metal leaf on the back are displayed for the first time at ArtSuite NY Gallery in Piermont NY.

First Street Gallery Opening, “2019 National Juried Exhibition”
Laurie and husband Shire with “I Found it!, Montreal, Canada” 24” x 31” from my Car Parts series, Juror Nancy Margolis. First Street Gallery, NYC, NY

"Light and Shadow" Auction Exhibition at Rockland Center for the Arts
White Peacock, Florida, 1970s Laurie Peek, Rockland Center for the Arts Auction, West Nyack, NY. Sold!

“FotoFest 2018,” Houston, TX
FotoFest 2018 used my photograph “White Stripes on Nissan” from my “Car Parts” series for their promotional flyer! Such an honor.

CPW Benefit Auction 2018
My “Eyes Necklace on Nissan” from my Car Parts series in Center for Photography at Woodstock’s benefit auction, Kingston, NY.

“Abstract,” Center for Fine Art Photography, Ft. Collins, CO, 2018
Blue-Green Dent, Suffern, NY, Abstract, Center for Fine Art Photography, Ft. Collins, CO, 2018

Included in Fraction Magazine's 10th Anniversary issue
I’m delighted to be in Fraction Magazine's 10th Anniversary issue with my "Green Fence on Dodge Dart" from my Car Parts: Metallic Transport" series.

Silvermine Pop-Up Exhibit Opening
At Silvermine Art Center with my Sycamore Shadow Parts triptych — a blend of my water and car reflections. Photo by Robert Sachs.

Union Art Center Solo Exhibit of "Car Parts," Gallery One, Sparkill, nY
I had such a great time at the opening! So many friends showed up. Especially pleased my son Jackson could be there.

Blue Door Art Center Juried Members' Exhibit Opening -- January 2018
With my Car Parts, Opening at Blue Door Gallery, Yonkers, NY